In Search of the Honest Man

Many are familiar with the story of Diogenes the Cynic who roamed the sunlit streets of Greece, a lantern as his guide, looking for an honest man. Diogenes’ search is both ethical and absolute- through this act, he mocks the possibility of finding human virtue or knowing human nature. Diogenes would feel right at home today’s culture where a there is an earnest pursuit of individual human excellence, rather than in truth and goodness.

Tracing the tales of Diogenes, one discovers that this story is taken out of context. Yes, he held a lit lantern in broad daylight, but he did not proclaim a search for an honest man. Rather, he stated, “I am seeking either a human being or the example or representation of humanity, or both”. To search for the answer by candle, establishes Diogenes as cynical. It also suggests someone who challenges popular culture and its belief that it is already familiar with human goodness. Diogenes provided a very simple expression to the search for self-knowledge: “I seek human kindness”.

The more exaggerated version of Diogenes’ query goes one step further: to search for an honest man is to look for a person worthy of the name. He is seeking an honest-to-goodness example of the idea of a person or persons who are forthright.

I have embarked on a similar search (without cynicism) within the most marginalized communities across und the world. Diogenes’ quest has become my own. In place of a lantern, my journey is illuminated with the spirit within community.

As I began my work to bridge inequity gaps, I have witnessed people living honorably in the most perilous and meager circumstances, yet they were sustained by connectedness, extended family, and community attachment. These groups exemplify integrity, decency, and strength of character, and less of the self-motivating characteristics that might have inspired Diogenes’ skepticism.

The pursuit of human kindness has been long ago trumped by the individualistic pursuit of the meaning of life. These concepts do not have to compete- they can adapt and compliment each other. The idea of collective humanity is best illuminated by seeking wisdom about how to go about living a worthy life that improves the quality of the human condition. As we apply this to the growing disparity within our communities, each of us are compelled to make a choice that is motivated beyond self interest. Diogenes Community Solutions endeavors to motivate individuals and groups alike to convene around establishing and maintaining what is the common good for all.


Communal Dispute Resolution